Radiotherapy will be obsolete in the future

1 min readJan 4, 2021

Radiotherapy (RT) is widely used to treat cancer. Technological advances in RT have occurred in the last 30 years. These advances, such as three-dimensional image orientation, intensity modulation and robotics, have created challenges and opportunities for the next advance, in which artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to play important roles. AI will replace certain repetitive and laborious tasks and improve the accuracy and consistency of others, particularly those with greater complexity due to technological advances. - (Pubmed).

Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Nanorobots and sensors advance the processes of new treatments for cancer in the future and will impact the cancer if it becomes obsolete will be diagnoses made with AI that will give the result and a personalized treatment for better results. In addition, we will have a breakthrough by CRISPR to reissue DNA to prevent new diseases and immunize children from hereditary cancer.

Nanorobots will be a new key to curing cancer in the future through personalized treatments and real-time analysis to fight directly on the cancer cell and also bring the cure to that patient with personalized remedies according to his organism.

The future of cancer treatments is to bring the definitive cure for the disease by 2030. — CarolinaRamalho

